Profiling of T cells in patients with acquired TTP

Research Aims of this Study:
"The overall goal of the current study is to obtain more insight into events that trigger the development of auto‐antibodies in previously healthy individuals. We also would like to study what causes relapses in patients with acquired TTP."
How did Dr. J. Voorberg become interested in TTP research:
"I became interested in TTP research shortly after the identification of ADAMTS13 in 2001. Since then I have been working on the characterizing of auto‐antibodies that develop in patients with acquired TTP. Thanks to our clinical collaborators and the active participation of many patients we have been able to identify the binding sites for auto‐antibodies on ADAMTS13."
How Dr. J. Voorberg believes this research will impact individuals living with or impacted by TTP:
"We believe that a better understanding of the triggers that induce acquired TTP will help to develop novel approaches for treatment or prevention of relapses in patients with acquired TTP. The research sponsored by Answering TTP will focus on the characterization of T cells recognizing ADAMTS13. We hope that by studying ADAMTS13 specific T cells we will be able to identify triggering events for acquired TTP."
Comments from Dr. J. Voorberg to donors:
"We feel very privileged to receive support from the Answering TTP Foundation. We would like to thank the many donors of the Foundation for their generous support and their commitment to promote research on acquired TTP. We are very committed to work together with the Foundation, patients and clinicians to find a cure to this disease."