Director of Hematology & Coagulation Laboratories, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
December 15, 2014
On December 15, 2014 the Answering TTP Foundation received an exciting update from Dr. Zheng in regards to the above-mentioned research he is conducting with funding from the Foundation. Below is an excerpt from the letter he sent the Foundation along with a link to additional information. Congratulations to Dr. Zheng and his team, this is a very exciting developement for the TTP community!
"As we reported on December 8 at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, an inhibition of complement factor H with antibody resulted in excessive complement activation, which triggers the onset of TTP in mice with severe deficiency of ADAMTS13. Complement activation is also prevalent in patients with autoimmune TTP. These results suggest the synergistic effect of complement activation and ADAMTS13 deficiency in pathogenesis of TTP. Therefore, we propose that anti-complement treatment such as the use of eculizumab may be indicated in patients refractory to plasma exchange therapy. More studies in the mouse models and in patients will be necessary for such a recommendation." - Dr. Long Zheng